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Cohousing webchats


Starting a cohousing community can be daunting - I know it is to me. I am very excited about it, but at the same time concerned that the process seems so complex. That is why I am looking forward to the webchat by Katie McCamant on the stages of cohousing development. And I can certainly stand some personal growth, which I anticipate being a (mostly :)...) positive aspect of living in community. Cohousing Association of the US has these and other webchats coming up. See below.



"The Cohousing Association of the US is teaming up with our cohousing professionals to bring people together to talk about cohousing. Each WebChat is a zoom call open to all. The presenter shares 15-30 minutes on a named topic and then answers questions from participants about the topic or other topics within the presenter’s expertise.

All WebChats will be at the same time: 5pm Pacific, 6pm Mountain, 7pm Central, 8pm East All will use the zoom room at If you or someone you know would like to present on a cohousing topic, please contact Karen Giming at

Upcoming WebChats:

Monday, Nov 18, 5pm Pac, 6pm Mt, 7pm Cent, 8pm East Katie McCamant The Stages of Cohousing Development

Cohousing development is a long and complex process which can be divided into stages. Each stage has different tasks and challenges and requires different resources and skills to navigate successfully. In this WebChat, Katie will describe the stages and what is needed to successfully complete each one.

Thursday, Dec 5, 5pm Pac, 6pm Mt, 7pm Cent, 8pm East Karen Gimnig Personal Growth: The most important reason for cohousing.

Cohousing is sometimes called the longest personal growth workshop ever. At the same time, we’re sometimes afraid to mention this to potential cohousers we don’t want to scare off. In this WebChat, Karen will celebrate the tremendous power of cohousing to make us better humans. She’ll also explain why growth is such a reliable part of cohousing, share strategies for getting the most growth out of our cohousing experience and give us some tips on what to do when it is someone else’s growth we’d like to make happen.

If you aren’t able to use the zoom link above call in information is below. Or iPhone one-tap : US: +16465588656,,202941610# or +16699006833,,202941610# Or Telephone: Dial(for higher quality, dial a number based on your current location): US: +1 646 558 8656 or +1 669 900 6833 Meeting ID: 202 941 610

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